Today’s Message to Me
Today's message to me. Trust.
Today's message to me. Trust.
Tonight. Tonight I said no to someone. Someone, like me. Like you. Someone, I get. Someone, honest & real. Someone, I could have said yes to. … I hate my answer. I take it back. And change it. Come back…I change my mind! … Note to self – No do-overs in life. Sooorryy. Don’t be…
Details“We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.”
– Gwendolyn Brooks
#unite #dividedwefall #createorbecreated #feelthebern #itsallaboutus #worktogether #homemade #treebark #lace #shell #moss #birch #typewriter
Seems as if we’re all going through some sort of transition or phase over these past few months… Must be something in the stars or yet another reason we’re all connected and share the same – deep down. As we’re leading out of the first of the year and into the betterment of these…
Details“If your passion does not keep you sleepless, you can’t be a good beginner. When passion itches, a great hand scratches… Wake up, it’s your time to rise above idleness!”
― Israelmore Ayivor
Just found this little gem buried away. Great people. Great memories. Seemed like a good piece to include. You’ll have to pardon me while I spam post to bulk up. Terkwoize – is just gettin’ started. Welcome on this journey with me. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert…